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Remember Me," Robert Pattinson's attempt to branch out from his trademark lovelorn-vampire role (to a lovelorn regular-guy role), was only a modest performer at the box office this weekend, earning $8.3 million. But the film offers several notable attributes; in addition to Pattinson's first turn as a leading man in a mainstream release not titled "Twilight," it's a mid-budget drama in a time when such films are an endangered breed. And it came from Summit, a company that has flirted with a number of genres, but never this one.
Just before the film opened this weekend, we caught up with producer Nick Osborne of Underground Management, who with partner Trevor Engelson produced the film, on the challenges of making this type of movie, the acting virtues of one Mr. Pattinson and the perils of shooting in a big city when you've got one of the most famous faces in the world on your set.
24 Frames: A lot of people look at this film and say "Rob Pattinson, Summit, of course it got made." But you toiled for a long time to get it off the ground.
Nick Osborne: It's not an easy movie to get going -- it's a dark love story set in New York, and we kept trying to get it set up at studios and no one was interested. Eventually it got to Allen [Coulter, the director], and he had interest, but we still had trouble finding an actor. There are simply very few actors in that age range who could pull a role like this off. And I was on IMDB Pro one day and put in "male stars 18-27," and he literally came up as No. 2. And we called Summit and they said, "Actually, we really like the kid, we're doing a movie with him."
So this was before the 'Twilight' phenomenon took hold?
NO: It was right around the time of Comic-Con, when they started to realize how big a movie they had on their hands. But we needed to get Rob interested too. He had read a lot of scripts. He was at the Oakwood Apartments and he would drive to the In-N-Out Burger every day and read scripts in the back of his car. And he eventually read ours and said he wanted to do it. Then we had to put together a budget that made sense [about $16 million] before we could get going.